Friday, June 18, 2010

::.Sunset at Cathedral.::

Dear blog,
Yesterday I spent 3.50 pounds to visit Liverpool, Cathedral. A tall old tower where we can view sunset by standing at top of it.
May Kim, Ken, Elena, Final and me. Five persons in a group with our own camera went there waiting for two hours before sunset. It was too early when we were there, unpredictably it was extremely cold up there, we suffered from hunger and low temperature. I brought my Pringoooals (snack food) along to share together, it seems grateful to have food at that moment. It's all about patient, waiting the 'red ball' slowly moving down.
This could be my first time experienced viewing sunset on top of the tower, the feeling so great! It was almost 12am when we reach hostel, quickly we did cook instant noodles to fill up stomach, our late dinner. Although we felt tired, hungry, cold...we also happy for sure, because everyone has gained something.

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